Our Team

Amir Khasru

Managing Director

+88 01819 413 956

Md. Jaman Shekih

Production manager

+88 01600 344 714

Md. Mahibul Islam

Marketing Executive

+88 01600 344 713

Shazzadur Rahman Sakil

Director Admin Accounts & compliance

+88 01886 623 988

Mohammed Yeasin

Marketing Executive

+88 01620 002 713

Hasan Lemon


+88 01935 300 100

Mohammed Elias

Marketing Manager

+88 01938 838 370

Mohammed Alomgir Kobir Joy

Marketing Executive

 +88 01620 002 715

MD. Miraj Hossain

Marketing Executive

 +88 01600 344 712

Let’s work together on your next project. 🎈

Call to action (CTA) is a marketing term for any device designed to prompt an immediate response or encourage an immediate sale.